

Human resource becomes the main competitiveness of the global organizations. Motivation is an important factor in human resource management. At workplace, effective motivation helps the managers to achieve the firm’s objectives and employees’ personal objectives. How to motivate the staff is the important part for the human resource management? As a matter of fact, managers are encouraged to use the strong motivation to improve their management of the group. This essay is concentrating if money and other financial rewards are a fundamental part of the employment relationship and can be used effectively in motivating employees.

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In the 21st, the consumers are paying more attention to their life quality and situation of the environment. They are considering more, when they make purchasing decisions. In the past, consumers’ purchasing tendency mainly decided on the quality and price of products. And there seems no other reasons can affect these decisions. However, in the 21st, the situation is changed among some consumers. People all over the world become focusing on the environment and human rights. Then, there are more and more consumers are changing to evaluate their purchasing decisions with more social and environmental considerations, which are called the "responsible consumption". 

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It is no wonder that human resource has already become the most significant competition for the companies. The issue about Qantas was focused nearly by every newspaper. This case study is mainly about the issue happen in Qantas to help managers to realize the significant of the human resource under the background of globalization. The reason why I choose this issue is that it has many management issues which can be considered with what I have already learnt before. And also it contains some typically issues, which happened in other industries as well.

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Nowadays, the leaders’ job is not to command and control anyone, but to cultivate and coordinate the actions of other at all levels of the organizations (Ancona & Senge. 2007). It is necessary for the leaders to know their strength as well as weaknesses. As common people, everyone has the strength and weakness including the leaders. No leader is perfect and flawless. The importance to be incomplete leaders will be discussed in the following part. In this part, it will also summarize others’ thoughts about incomplete leaders, which can support leaders to be incomplete leaders. And then the essay will analyze the four capabilities of incomplete leaders, which have already been studied by others. The next part will give out the author’s own points about to be imperfect leaders.

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After reading the movie by Ang lee, I was surprised at the plot of the movie. In order to know the true meaning of the author, I went to read the book of Life of Pi Yann Martel published in 2001. It is not doubt that Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel. The protagonist, named “Pi”, is an Indian boy whose family is a zookeeper. This novel and the movie are the most moving works I have ever had. Pi survived 227 days with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker after a shipwreck in on a boat in the Pacific OceanMartel, 2007). This article will talk about the whole story and then my reflection in the main body part. There will be two points in my reflection, one is about human beings and the other is about animals. And then in the next part, it will give the conclusion of the article.

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