Reflections of life of Pi


After reading the movie by Ang lee, I was surprised at the plot of the movie. In order to know the true meaning of the author, I went to read the book of Life of Pi Yann Martel published in 2001. It is not doubt that Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel. The protagonist, named “Pi”, is an Indian boy whose family is a zookeeper. This novel and the movie are the most moving works I have ever had. Pi survived 227 days with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker after a shipwreck in on a boat in the Pacific OceanMartel, 2007). This article will talk about the whole story and then my reflection in the main body part. There will be two points in my reflection, one is about human beings and the other is about animals. And then in the next part, it will give the conclusion of the article.

 Main body

The whole story of Life of Pi will be given in this part, in which I will introduce the novel briefly. And then I will discuss about my view on this novel, which I believe is the true meaning of the story.

The brief story of Life of Pi

 There are some parts of the books to tell the story. The author makes Pi's as the storyteller to tell us story about his survived 227 days with Richard Parker after a shipwreck in on a boat in the Pacific OceanMartel, 2007)
